Home > Using our Epoxies- Introduction

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Using Our Epoxies
Our epoxies are highly specialized and represent an integrated system specifically formulated for the restoration and repair of wood. No wood is rot proof! That is where we and our products step in. Sometimes it is too difficult, or too costly to just rip out rotten wood. Perhaps there is ornate wood work that can not be easily or cost effectively replicated. Occasionally there are those memorial wood decorations, or carvings that carry a bigger meaning than just doing away with them, and buying new. Don’t ever feel there isn’t a way to restore something made from wood, that we can’t guide you to restore!
No polymer resin is tougher than an epoxy, and no polymer resin bonds to wood as well as epoxy, and this is why epoxies are widely considered as being best choice for the restoration, rebuilding, or bonding of wood. Polyester resins (typically used in fiberglass boat construction) are brittle and do not bond as well with wood, and there are some “wood restoration” products on the market that use a polyester-resin base. They are poor choices for the restoration of wood. Acrylics are also used as “wood-hardeners”, but they lack strength and durability. Used properly, our epoxies will restore original or greater strength to rotten or deteriorated wood.
The key product in our system of wood restoration and repair is a penetrating epoxy. Penetrating epoxy is always the first product to be used in the wood restoration process. In lightly rotted wood it will often be all that is needed to check the deterioration process and to restore hardness. In more severely rotted wood it is always applied first, and then other of our epoxy products are added for additional strength, and as bulk to replace missing wood. They all bond together chemically to form an integrated repair.