Subject: Fiberglass Repair (Garage Door)
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004
My question is, can I use this product on a fiberglass garage door? It has over the years deteriorated around
the bottom panels. The fiber still looks good, but I need a product that can retard the deterioration and prolong the
life of this door. It is a light brown color.
Thanks, appreciate your help.
Harold P.
Well, our CPES (Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer™) will penetrate exposed glass fibrous material and help consolidate it, and our Fill-It™ Epoxy Filler can be used to fill any vacant areas. The CPES is basically clear, and the Fill-It can be toned in brown shades to suit with our Epoxy Coloring Agent.
Repair with these products will withstand all extremes of temperature and moisture.
I wouldn't think you would need any more of the CPES than our smallest, the 2-pint unit. The amount of Fill-It you might need is strictly volume-based.
I hope this is some help, and feel free to come back if you have additional questions.