The Rot Doctor


Subject: Indiana Log Home
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002

Dr. Rot,

Attached are some pictures of rotted logs from my log home. The logs are 6x12 with styrofoam and latex chinking. I need some suggestions on how to go about repairing the damage. Also is there anything available to stop rain water from penetrating through knot holes?

Thank You
Sam E.

Good pictures, and thank you. I'll get to each one in a moment.

First, let me answer the knot hole question: The solution is to treat the knot hole first with CPES (Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer) for soft wood hardening and permanent rot protection, and then a day (or longer) later come back with a paste mix of our Layup & Laminating Resin and sawdust and fill the hole. It will never leak again and the repair is permanent.

Everything you do to repair the rot damage to your home must be preceded by soaking the deteriorated area first with CPES (Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer). This thin epoxy sealer is absorbed by the wood, and then basically sterilizes the wood and encases everything in a thin epoxy film. Rot fungi and bacteria cannot then attack the will be rot-proof indefinitely. The wood must be reasonably dry, and the CPES applied until the wood will absorb no more. After at least a week after the CPES treatment, you are then free to come back and fill the vacant areas in and around the treated deteriorated wood with a putty mix made from our Layup & Laminating Resin and sawdust. We have very fine sawdust, or you can use something local. It is simply packed in until the void is filled, and it bonds at the molecular level with the CPES treated wood. This treatment is permanent, and will withstand the harshest of environmental conditions.

Now, picture-by-picture, here is the amount of product I believe you will need to repair each area:

log 1

Saturate with CPES and fill with the L&L Resin mix. 2 qts CPES, 2 qts of the L&L Resin.

log 2

As above, same quantities of material.

log 4

Again, saturate and fill. 2 quarts of the CPES and 1 quart of the L&L Resin.

log 3

More damage here, and I estimate 1 gallon of the CPES and one gallon of the L&L Resin.

log home

Nice house! Looks good except for those little details.

Adding the above together, I come up with the following estimated quantity of our materials that would be required:

* Two of the 2-gallon CPES units. This is above the total for the above, but our experience is that on log homes the wood always absorbs more of the CPES than you think it will.

* One 2-gallon unit of the L&L Resin. I think this will be plenty, especially if you can mix it with a coarse sawdust. The L&L Resin mixed with sawdust cures as a VERY hard wood-toned fill.

We will also be available by email or phone (even on weekends) to answer any specific questions you may have.

